Thursday, May 26, 2016

Open House 2016!

Yesterday, our whole school had Open House. Open House is when you and your family come to school to see all the projects you accomplished through-out the year. Our class had many things on display. For example, our Badger Claws Journal, our diorama of the famous people we chose to be, our digital portfolio, and even a paper portfolio. Isn't that a myriad of things? Well, I think it is! I hope you enjoyed our Open House! Down below are the many projects we did.

All photos above by Mrs. Yollis 

What was your favorite activity?

Families who went to Open House, what did you think?


  1. Dear Sophie Reads,

    This year was one of the best Open House i had ever had before! This year's Open House was spectacular because we did so many amazing projects that our class was full. Sometimes, classes are not that attractive because few projects are hung up. The more projects, the better!

    What did you think of this year's Open House?

    Sporty Katie

    1. Dear Sporty Katie,

      Thank you for commenting on my blog!

      To answer your question, I loved this year's Open House! In addition, I think it has been one of the best ones yet. I agree with you that we had a plethora of projects hung up. My parents loved all my work at Open House. Do you think your family enjoyed Open House? I hope they did!

      I just read your Open House post, and I think it is a superb post. I acknowledged all your high vocabulary. Also I think that you really described the things at Open House so that if I didn't go I would think" Wow I wish that I were there." or "That is a spectacular Open House."

      My favorite project was our gorilla report and our diorama we made. What was your favorite project?

      Sophie Reads.
