Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Pottery Birthday Bash!

 Not long ago was one of my best friend's birthday party. I missed her birthday party, but since her other friend missed it too, her mother planned another one. I had a blast! We went to a place to make customized pottery. We learned how to make a bowl using clay. Although my hands got messy I loved it; the feeling of the clay on my hands was cold and wet. Another reason I enjoyed it is because we could create any shape or form for our bowl. In addition, I shaped my bowl as a heart, and I think shaping it was the easiest part since all I had to do was take my finger and gently press the clay down in two spots. Then we could pick one color for our bowl that the shop would paint. The color I choose was Drazil Red.  

After that we went to a pizza place; the pizza there was very good! I ordered mushrooms, onions, sausage, mozzarella, of course cheese, and the normal red sauce. I love pizza as long as it is not cheese pizza, for it is too plain. I loved everything about that birthday, and I hope I can do something else like that again soon! 

Photo by Smiley's mom.
Photo by Smiley's mom.
Photo by Smiley's mom.
Photo by Smiley's mom.

Have you ever done something like that?

If so, what did you do?

Why were you there?


  1. Dear Sophie Reads,

    What a fabulous time it looks like you had at the pottery party! I have done some sculpting with clay, but I did not have a wheel. I just formed the shape I wanted with my hands.

    Did you get your piece yet? Did they fire it? If so, we'd love to see the final product!

    Mrs. Y♥llis

  2. Dear Mrs. Yollis,
    Unfortunately, we haven't gotten our pieces back yet, but I am very excited to receive it. Maybe I can post a picture of my pot after I get it back this summer. To answer your question, they will fire my pottery bowl. I think that's why I have to wait to get it back.

    What did you sculpt using clay?

    Sophie Reads

  3. Sophie
    I can't say that I have ever properly sculptured like you have had the opportunity to do so. I think I've made a few bits and pieces but never on the wheel so that looked like it would have been a great experience.

    My children when they were very young did make Grandparents drinking mugs but it was more of the decoration process and applying the glaze. The design looked a bit like an original Jackson Pollock because they were only three and one when they made it.

    I think that you did a fantastic job with your writing but you were able to articulate and explain everything in detail. The photographs helped with that because I could see more of the process that you went through and understand some of the equipment that you used. It looked like a great learning experience and I think that you articulated your experience really well.
    Mr Webb and Room Three, Auroa Primary School, Taranaki, New Zealand

  4. Dear Myles Webb,

    Sculpting was a wonderful experience. I also went with a friend, so three people went in all. At first I was nervous because I thought pottery would be hard. In the past I took pottery lessons after school and during summer camp. I made many things including bowls (like I did at the pottery place), magnets, pencil holders, a mug, a forest scene, and a plate. The reason I thought pottery was going to be hard was because it had been a long time since I took lessons, so it was a little tough remembering everything.

    My pot was heart shaped with little lines around the sides. After all that worrying, making the heart was easier than I expected. Also, making the lines was not that difficult either. All you have to do is take the flat, sharp tool and hold it against the clay.

    Did you ever take lessons?

    I saw that you are from New Zealand. I'd love to learn more about this country. Have you ever visited the US?

    Sophie Reads

  5. Sophie
    Thank you replying for my comment. No I have never taken any lessons in pottery. I think I had some when I was a pupil at school but this was many, many years ago.

    Yes I am a classroom teacher in New Zealand. If you'd like to have a look at our school probably our class page is best: I have been to the US, but again, it was a long time ago. My brother, his wife and children have lived in Washington DC for nearly ten years - and I still haven't visited them yet. On my wish lists of things to do is to have a visit to the US and see my brother and possibly visit Mrs Yollis as well.

    Not many people have visited New Zealand from the United States do you know anyone who has visited New Zealand? Do you know much about our country?

    Mr Webb and Room Three, Auroa Primary School, Taranaki, New Zealand

    1. Dear Myles Webb,

      No, I do not know much about New Zealand, but I have about 20 cousins who live there. I have never met them or even contacted them so, I do not know much about them. Do you have any relatives that live in America? I would love to go to New Zealand for, it sounds really fun there.

      I have been to many places around the world like Germany, Spain, France, Australia and many other places. I only go to countries out side America when we are on Spring, Summer, or Winter break. Where have you traveled? Do you travel often?

      Sophie Reads
